It’s hard to know where to begin when it comes to the Elon Musk Twitter saga. As I’m sure you’re all aware, the tech mogul assumed control of the company late last year and since that date, he’s left a trail of destruction in his wake.
After originally pledging to purchase Twitter for $44 billion, Musk eventually tried to back out but the deal was forced through by the social media site’s board. When he finally assumed control, Musk fired over 4,000 employees across advertising, content moderation and engineering, giving the remaining workers 48 hours to decide if they wanted to stand by his new “hardcore” future. Since then, we’ve seen the introduction of Twitter Blue, the loss of legacy Verified checkmarks, and essentially the breakdown of all that made Twitter good.
Back in December, Musk polled users asking if he should step down as head of Twitter, adding that he would “abide by the results”. A majority of 57.5% voted yes, but he’s still here. Now, Elon Musk has modified the name on the company’s HQ sign and it’s a move that’s led to him getting roasted by Twitter’s users. As reported by Dexerto, on 9 April, Musk shared a photo of the modified sign which now reads ‘Titter’.
Musk tweeted, “Our landlord at SF HQ says we’re legally required to keep sign as Twitter & cannot remove “w”, so we painted it background colour. Problem solved.” He later added, “They tried to muffle our titter.” Musk has been making Titter jokes for quite some time now. Why? Well, that’s a question no one really knows the answer to.
Regardless, users of the social media site are using the ‘renaming’ to roast the tech mogul. Bernybelvedere wrote, “You sure know how to make Ws disappear huh,” while AndreaKuszewski added, “Does this make you the Chief Tit?” Good point. MikeStuchbery_ commented, “Why are you s**tting all over a company you spent FORTY FOUR BILLION DOLLARS on?” Sigh. The Twitter saga continues.
Topics: Twitter, World News, no article matching