The Elder Scrolls VI, is a highly anticipated sequel that at this point, I’m beginning to question whether it’s actually real.
Ok, obviously I’m joking when I question if The Elder Scrolls VI is real (probably) but Bethesda has starved us of so much information since its reveal at E3 2018, that some questions have to be asked.
Check out The Elder Scrolls VI announcement trailer below!
Those questions that need to be asked include when are we going to see some gameplay and when will we get a release date for The Elder Scrolls VI? The only positive related to those questions is now that the Starfield expansion, Shattered Space is out of the way, The Elder Scrolls VI should be next in line.
After The Elder Scrolls VI, hopefully, we can then look forward to Fallout 5 but that’s a conversation for another article.
So, when will the full reveal of The Elder Scrolls VI arrive? A question being asked by Reddit user SwinginDan. “Do we think Bethesda will make the announcements at a major event like The Game Awards or Xbox Games Showcase, or just drop a trailer out of the blue?”
“Between 2027 and 2028 for the game to be released. Maybe a teaser trailer in 2026, but more likely in 2027. Bethesda could even hold out until release year,” suggests Vidistis.
“I may be pessimistic about this, but I'm thinking 2027 will reveal a teaser trailer and then a gameplay trailer later in the year with a 2028 release date. Hopefully, I'm wrong, though. I'd love to see more next year or in 2026,” said Two_Hump_Wonder.
“I would expect that we’ll get our first glimpse at the 2025 or 2026 Xbox Games Showcase in June,” And_Im_the_Devil replied.
“I’m thinking of the 2025 showcase. Even if it’s another teaser. Starfield was announced five years before release,” said a hopeful EmbarrassedPianist59.
There’s no telling at this point when we’ll learn more about The Elder Scrolls VI, I just hope that new information arrives sooner rather than later.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda, PC, PlayStation, Xbox