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Elden Ring: Dark Moon makes an epic game even greater

Elden Ring: Dark Moon makes an epic game even greater

When we say this changes everything, this changes everything.

Elden Ring Dark Moon is a modpack that dramatically overhauls the original game with combat changes, new character classes, weapons and armor and even new hairstyles and glasses for your hero.

Personally speaking, that last fact is the part I am most interested in, given that Elden Ring is a girly game. You run round the land, foraging mushrooms, flowers and herbs, choosing a metaphorical and literal slay outfit, chill with the queen of the moon and look after your horsey. It is truly the high femme dream we've been waiting for.

Check out this immense mech suit build in the game below:

From modder Dylan Alexander, Elden Ring Dark Moon parcels up the Shattered mod for the game with a number of other mods from other creators as well as a small selection of their own. Shattered, from water_bear, makes the combat much more like Bloodborne, adding new difficulty settings, the rally mechanic, and the inclusion of running attacks into combo chains.

Dark Moon also introduces 11 new classes into the game like Wretch, Great Knight, Thief, The Hunter, Carian Scholar, and Alabaster Lad. I think he prefers to be called James Acaster but maybe I'm out of the loop on that one.

Dylan Alexander's intentipn with the new classes is to centre them on a stat or a fantasy, like the Great Knight being a formidable force with the Greatsword and Greatshield. Moreover, there are new weapons and armor to get to grips with - the Bloody Seal, Talisman of Beasts, Hunter Armor and Heisenberg's Hat. This modpack is bound to breathe life into Elden Ring for those yearning for a refreshing playthrough and might attract new players who were a mite daunted by the gameplay.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco

Topics: Elden Ring, Mods