An intrepid Elden Ring player has shown us what happens when you grind out strength at the expense of all other stats, and the result is terrifying.
Big daddy of FromSoftware and director of the soulsbourne games Hidetaka Miyazaki tried to make his latest title Elden Ring more approachable to players. This means more weapon classes to choose from, a more open map for routing options, and more free exploration. This doesn't mean it's easy however. The difficulty is very much woven into the game's identity.
Players probably already know there are certain ways you can cheese bosses.
Standing far away and using a ranged weapon is one. Recently, others have turned to eBay to get themselves some black market runes. Nothing pays off though, quite like putting in the hard work and dedication needed to max out all your weapons and stats.
Want to find out what we thought of Elden Ring? You can see our thoughts in the review below.
Tiktoker BearFromMinecraft has uploaded a handful of videos in which their character allegedly has 99 stat in strength, and is able to take down bosses with hilarious ease.
Using dual wielding hammers, our lowly Tarnished takes out the Tree Sentinel in just two hits. They manage the same in the follow up video against the Ancestral Spirit using the same weapon, but removing more than half of the mighty enemy's health in one go.
Despite being out for a little over a week, it seems some players are already deep into Elden Ring. As others have pointed out, however, it seems likely that what we're seeing could have been enabled is some sort of PC mod. But given the sheer size of the game, it's perhaps not surprising that some players would want to speed up the game and give themselves a buff.
But as Miyazaki himself said, such gameplay is hardly in the spirit of the thing: "I just want as many players as possible to experience the joy that comes from overcoming hardship." Bravo!
Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware