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'Dying Light 2' Has A Hidden Star Wars Force Weapon

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'Dying Light 2' Has A Hidden Star Wars Force Weapon

Just ten days after launch, players of Dying Light 2 have already unlocked a hidden Easter egg which gives you the power to Force choke.

Dying Light 2 has launched and players have been scouring the game to find the many Easter eggs hidden within. Techland estimated that it would take gamers around 500 hours to check every nook and cranny for all its hidden delights, and it seems they have been getting to it.

Despite it only being launched ten days ago, and the main campaign taking a chunky 20 hours to finish, people are still deep into the extra content. Techland promised five years of DLC and support post launch, and despite the first pack already dropping, it seems there are still more mysteries in the main game left to find.

If you want to know more about Dying Light 2 then check out this AMA with some of the team from developer Techland.

YouTuber AshesWolf has uncovered the secrets of how to unlock a weapon which mimics the Force Choke from Star Wars. However, even knowing the secret it's not that easy to replicate. After finishing at least the Broadcast story mission, you then have to track down five top hat wearing, red eyed, black ducks hiding all over the map. Then in the VNC basement work your way through underwater passages to reach a sacrificial alter where the ducks must pay penance.

Once you have set down your ducks and completed the pentagram the hunt isn't over. You will pick up the Ka-doom Shotgun which transports you into a three minute DOOM themed level where you must collect items while ripping and tearing. In that level are the blueprints for the Dying Force weapon, which allows you to craft your own Force powers. The Force Choke isn't very powerful but by raising enemies off the ground it can act as a stun for you to take them out more efficiently.

The sheer amount of secrets are impressing players of Dying Light 2. Within the launch weekend more people were playing Dying Light 2 than had played the original game. While secrets like the Dying Force weapon and Dead Island Easter egg have already been found, there's sure to be plenty more deep within. 

Featured Image Credit: Techland

Topics: Dying Light 2, Star Wars