Once again, we are here to make you aware of some in-game freebies and this time it is Dying Light 2 players who can get their hands on the goods at no extra cost.
Released in 2022 as a direct sequel to Dying Light, Dying Light 2: Stay Human is an action RPG that combines weaponry and parkour to see players take down the undead in the most creative ways.
Check out just one of many post-launch updates for Dying Light 2 below!
Now, two years on, developer Techland has announced a new freebie in the game’s storefront, Pilgrim Outpost.
By signing up to the Pilgrim Outpost, players will be able to complete bounties to earn Pilgrim Tokens which in turn can be exchanged for exclusive gear and items. Additionally, Pilgrims can team up together to achieve goals during game events in order to unlock even more goodies.
By signing up now, which is what I want to draw your attention to, you can unlock a free grappling hook by completing registration, scrolling down to Notifications - Your Rewards and selecting Claim.
So it is simple - create an account, connect your gaming platform, complete bounties, earn tokens and buy exclusive rewards. What are the exclusive rewards, you may ask?
“To survive is to be prepared,” reads the official site. “Many Pilgrims died too early because they underestimated the dangers of the wasteland. Don’t be one of them. In the Armory, you will find all the necessary equipment for your journey. Choose carefully, as nothing in this world comes for free.”
Pilgrim Tokens can be used to purchase items for both Dying Light and Dying Light 2 and new items will appear in the armoury on a regular basis.
As well as being able to purchase The First Pilgrim set, you will also be able to earn Tokens for items such as the Hydra Knife, Renegade Leader outfit, Funkadelic bow and more. With over 20 items in the shop at any time, there is something for everyone.
Topics: Dying Light 2, Techland, PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Free Games