It’s been a quiet few months, but the rumour mill is well and truly spinning again. We know that the highly anticipated Dragon Age: Dreadwolf remains in the works but one so-called insider claims that a remake of Dragon Age: Origins is also planned.
The latest Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer dropped just ahead of GTA VI’s, so the timing really couldn’t have been any worse. If you did watch the trailer though, you’ll know that it looks as if we’re in for a treat. We got to see multiple long-awaited locations like Rivain and Antiva. Given that we hear Hawke’s voice again, the trailer also poses some interesting questions but we’re not here to dive down a well of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf theories. As always, I urge you to take this with a generous pinch of salt but one 4chan user claims to have knowledge that BioWare is in the early stages of development on an Origins remake.
BioWare is hard at work on the next Mass Effect game. That’s a fact.
The 4chan post, spotted by Reddit user IcePopsicleDragon, claims that the remake will be titled Dragon Age: Reorigins, adding that it’ll be a “Dead Space style remake that mostly adds and improves new gameplay stuff rather than story stuff”. The poster continued, “Main goal of the game is to have insane branching paths for player choices for stuff that already existed in the original.”
Given that Dragon Age: Origins was released back in 2009, it is perhaps something that there would be a remake appetite for. Then again, I remain heavily dubious about this so-called insider's lack of context as to where they got this information. They also added that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is scheduled to launch in Q2 2025, which runs from April to June. They claim that the game is very advanced, but BioWare is aware it needs to “sell dozens of millions and impress gaming audiences”, leading to an acute attention to detail.
They went on to add that Weisshaupt is your main camp, with gameplay very similar to what we saw in Inquisition except with an improved UI. Moving on to Mass Effect, the insider claims the game will pick up after the end of ME3, considering the ‘destroy’ ending as canon. It will, according to them, star a new protagonist although favourites like Wrex, Liara and Garrus will return. I killed Wrex in ME1 so I’m not sure how that’s going to work out for me … Like I said, remember that generous pinch of salt.
Topics: Dragon Age, Bioware