Bluepoint Games, whose team is renowned for recreating astonishing remasters of classic titles, has revealed that there's another project in the works with this cryptic holiday card for its community.
Bluepoint Games is the one behind things like Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Shadow Of The Colossus, and most recently, Demon's Souls. It's safe to say that we were instantly head over heels with the developer's interpretation of the PlayStation 3 title, making the most of that glorious new tech inside the PlayStation 5. "Bluepoint's processes of marrying the old and new have resulted in a truly stunning effort, making a decade-old critical darling a bona-fide system seller in 2020. Truly a remarkable feat, this should be picked up by anybody buying a PlayStation 5 whether you've played the original or not, and is a must-have for early adopters."
Demon's Souls is included in PlayStation Plus Extra - check out the trailer below!
So, check out this holiday card from the company. We've got three opened presents in front of the tree - a Leviathan axe for God of War, a shield for Demon's Souls, and a sword for Shadow of the Colossus. And then, there's that untouched present that is causing so much chaos in the replies.
Some think it's going to be a Metal Gear Solid remake for the reason that it's a red ribbon wrapped over the box-shaped present, the red signifying the alerts that guards show when they spot the player. A couple of years ago, the rumour mill was running rampant with the idea that Bluepoint Games was working on this game, with contributions from insiders like Lance McDonald and Moore's Law Is Dead.
Folks. Red is frequently used in the festive period to connote holly berries, fireplaces, poinsettias, and capitalism. Shout out to Coca-Cola. For this reason, I don't think it's enough to ascribe a Metal Gear Solid remake to this image. I'm only looking out for you and I don't want your hopes to be dashed. For the time being, Bluepoint Games is keeping its cards close to its chest.
Topics: PlayStation, Retro Gaming, Metal Gear Solid