Incredibly terrible news for all six of us who were still holding out hope for another Dead Space game, because the series creator has just revealed that EA has passed on a potential Dead Space 4.
The news comes directly from series creator Glen Schofield himself, who announced that Dead Space publisher Electronic Arts wasn’t keen on his pitch for a fourth game in the series on the Dan Allen Gaming podcast.
“We tried actually, you know, the three of us. We tried. Dead Space 4. We're talking this year,” Schofield revealed.
“Well we didn’t go too deep, they just said no, we’re not interested right now, we appreciate it, blah blah blah, and you know, we know who to talk to, so we didn’t go take it any further, and we respected their opinion you know, they know their numbers and what they have to ship and all that… it’s a rough time right now.”
The news is, unfortunately, to be expected.
Take a look at the Dead Space remake in action below.
As Schofield himself expressed on the podcast, publishers aren’t too willing to take big risks on games that might not return big numbers at the moment.
The gaming industry is in a bit of a sensitive spot, which is why publishers only want to commit to projects that they believe are a sure thing.
And as much as it pains me to say it, Dead Space is not a profitable franchise at the moment.
It has been all but confirmed at this point that the sales numbers for the 2023 Dead Space remake were well below EA’s expectations, which is almost definitely why we haven’t heard news of a Dead Space 2 remake as well.
It sucks but, hey, it was to be expected. On the plus side, Schofield did make it sound like EA didn’t give him a hard, 100% no, but rather a soft, “maybe later” kind of no.
Either way, thanks for ruining my Christmas, EA.
Topics: Dead Space, EA