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Dark Souls 2 has somehow returned from the dead

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Dark Souls 2 has somehow returned from the dead

You can't keep an incredible game down for long

Few games capture grotesque majesty quite like Dark Souls II. Arguably, this is the reason so many return to the game whenever they get the chance.

Having launched in 2014, however, the FromSoftware title is looking worn around the edges.

Don’t misunderstand, it’s still stunning in its own way, but it’s also fair to say that it could do with a refresh.

On NexusMods, creator AnemoiaWorks has developed an overhaul that’s raised Dark Souls II from the dead, so to speak.

‘Dark Souls 2 Texture Renewal Project’ is designed to do exactly what its title says: renew the textures of the experience so it’s easier on the eyes.

AnemoiaWorks describes the mod as a means of experiencing Dark Souls II in “high definition”.

Sometimes Dark Souls has some brilliant funny moments

“This mod upgrades every texture in the game to 4096x4096 resolution and adds full compatibility to the DS2LE,” its download page explains.

Moreover, this upgrade adds “roughness maps to every texture along with fixes to missing/low-quality normal maps, vanilla displacement maps, and the occasional texture seam present on the vanilla files.”

Put simply, everything is sharper and more visually appealing.

This “fantastic” mod has been available since April 2024, however, it was updated this month to further improve your next playthrough.

Fans have already remarked on how “impressive” this texture overhaul is, and how it has them looking forward to what the modder creates next.

“Thank you for the very beautiful textures you've released,” KerrangR commented on NexusMods.

You don’t have to try out this PC mod for yourself now, just make sure to keep it in mind for when you next dive into another gruelling playthrough of Dark Souls II.

Even if you’re a little rusty, its graphics won’t be.

And once you’ve beaten the game yet again, you can get ready for the return of Dark Souls III.

We just love punishing ourselves, don't we?

Featured Image Credit: AnemoiaWorks via NexusMods

Topics: Dark Souls, Fromsoftware, PC, Mods