For years, Harry Potter was a franchise that many of us found comfort in. Revisiting Hogwarts provided us with a healthy dose of nostalgia and magic and as such, the franchise seemed near indestructible - its popularity unwavering. Unfortunately, that’s something that’s been challenged and tainted in recent years.
Creator and author JK Rowling first expressed transphobic views back in 2020 and it’s something she’s continually vocalised, expressing the belief that trans activism could harm cisgender women. It’s an issue that’s left fans feeling torn. What was once a comfort has now become a world many feel forced to boycott to stand against JK Rowling. Earlier this year, actor Rupert Grint spoke out against Rowling’s comments and now Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, is joining him in rallying behind fans.
Fans are threatening to boycott next year’s Hogwarts Legacy but Avalanche are hoping fans will recognise the hard work of the developers.
It wouldn’t be the first time that Radcliffe has sided with fans. He previously wrote an open letter in partnership with The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention and mental health organisation for LGBTQ+ individuals. In a recent interview with IndieWire, Radcliffe explained why it was important for him to make his stance known. He said, “The reason I felt very, very much as though I needed to say something when I did was because, particularly since finishing Potter, I’ve met so many queer and trans kids and young people who had a huge amount of identification with Potter on that.”
“And so seeing them hurt on that day I was like, I wanted them to know that not everybody in the franchise felt that way. And that was really important,” he continued. He went on to add that he “wouldn’t have been able to look [himself] in the mirror” if he didn’t speak out.
Rupert Grint previously expressed that he “firmly stands with the trans community,” as does Hermione actress Emma Watson who tweeted, “I want my trans followers to know that I and so many other people around the world see you, respect you and love you for who you are.”
Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film