If you’ve loaded up Cyberpunk 2077 following on from the latest update, you may have noticed a pretty funny change that’s been made to the game’s open-world.
It’s been a transformative 12 months for Cyberpunk 2077. While the game’s new-gen update was the beginning of its redemption arc, last year’s Update 2.0 really solidified its status as a great game, adding a new relic skill tree, mounted weaponry, vehicular combat, and more. Throw in the fantastic Phantom Liberty expansion and the surprise Update 2.1, which saw the addition of a metro system, and Cyberpunk 2077 finally resembled its original vision. Many said that had the game released in that state back in 2020, it easily would’ve been a GOTY contender.
Take a look at CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty in action below.
While no major content updates are planned for Cyberpunk 2077 now, with devs shifting their focus to The Witcher 4, we should still expect smaller patches. The latest was Update 2.11 which introduced one particularly amusing tweak that alters how the NCPD respond to your treatment of drunks. If you kill someone who’s drunk or using a braindance, the police will now actually care.
It was somewhat odd that such murders were fine prior to this change but then Night City is, well, Night City. Almost anything goes. Even drunks now deserve justice according to the NCPD. In case you missed exactly what the update entails, other headlines include the fact that melee finishers will now work properly, an issue has been fixed where health items could become unequipped from the quick access slot after using consumables, Axolotl cyberware will now reduce cooldown when neutralising an enemy non-lethally, the Iconic Contagion quickhack will cause an explosion when combined with the Overheat quickhack, Skeleton cyberware will no longer get downgraded after acquiring level three of the License to Chrome perk, skill shards for skills that are already maxed out will no longer drop, and cyberware capacity will now be capped at 450.
The update also made a number of bug fixes to Phantom Liberty, and added a CrystalCoat feature letting you change your vehicle paint. Overall, a solid update with some welcomed quality-of-life changes.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red