Considered one of the best adventure games of all time, Beneath a Steel Sky is a paranoid and claustrophobic thriller that will pull you in from its opening minutes.
A sci-fi classic, this game is a must-play for anyone remotely interested in retro adventure point-and-click titles. And it’s free, right now, on GOG.com.
Cyberpunk 2077 was inspired, in part, by Beneath a Steel Sky
Good Old Games, also known as GOG, owned by CD Projekt Red is giving away copies of this game and you can download and play it immediately (and you should).
There are so many reasons for you to set aside 10 hours and play this gem. Not only is it inspiration behind many great games like Cyberpunk 2077, but it’s often held up as a stark example of brilliant games writing.
The art direction comes from Dave Gibbons of Watchmen fame who brought this sci-fi landscape to life. It’s a place where all of society is coming unglued as man begins to face off against machines, all under a steel sky making everyone paranoid.
In the middle of this technological ‘utopia’ is Robert Foster, a man kidnapped and alone, save from a robotic circuit board. It’s up to you to solve the mystery of the abduction, while visiting over 100 gorgeous locations and dealing with NPCs who all have a mind of their own.
Beneath a Steel Sky was one of the leading games to use advanced programming for the NPCs who all lead individual lives, much as we’d see in games today. They feel as unique and original as anything in 2024.
It has been years since I first played this banger and it lingers in my mind as sci-fi done right, and done with care. It’s not a nice world to live in, albeit briefly, but it’ll stick with you and you might see some seeds for games, film, and books you’ve come to love.
Topics: CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077, Free Games, PC