I very much look forward to sampling the latest AAA releases. In equal measures, I also adore discovering the latest indie gem, but there’s one more component I need to complete the holy trifecta of gaming: a sweet, sweet dose of nostalgia.
I know I’m not alone - just take a look at recent industry trends. Metroid Prime Remastered, Dead Space, and Resident Evil 4 are three of the year’s highest-rated releases so far. One of those is, as the title suggests, a remaster while the other two are remakes. People are after that taste of yesteryear. Personally, I’m thrilled to see Level 5 and Nintendo revive the mainline Professor Layton series after a 10 year lull. Another of my nostalgic favourites is The Simpsons: Hit & Run and the creator recently revealed he’d love to see it remade. Me too. Today though, we’re here to talk about the gem that is Brutal Legends.
Yet to check out Resident Evil 4? Take a look at our in-depth review below.
Fans took to Reddit to discuss how much they’d like to see a sequel to Brutal Legends. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, the action-adventure series kicked off back in 2009. Starring Jack Black as lead Eddie Riggs, the title follows a roadie who is transported to a world inspired by heavy metal album covers. It also features Ozzy Osbourne as the Guardian of Metal. Originally, a sequel was greenlit but EA later revealed that it had been cancelled.
Reddit user PhantomLord697 wrote, “I wish this game got a sequel,” and plenty of people agreed. Herpderpomygerp added,”Honestly, you don’t have to like the RTS parts, but this game was a metal lovers fever dream and it could do with a remaster,” while Yo_Wats_Good said, “I wouldn’t really call myself a metal fan and NGL, I was loving the soundtrack. It holds up fairly well because the art and design is cool.”
Gandalftheokay wrote, “This game was so f**king rad. Introduced me to so many good artists.” If you are missing Brutal Legends and need something to scratch the itch, may I suggest Metal: Hellsinger? Released last year, we’re big fans here at GAMINGbible.
Topics: EA, PlayStation, Xbox, PC