The backlash towards Battlefield 2042 is starting to get out of hand. Moderators over on the game's official subreddit have been forced to step in and warn users they'll have to shut it down if folk can't keep a lid on their anger at the developers.
Battlefield 2042 launched towards the end of last year in a rough state, as I'm sure you already know. Developer DICE has been hard at work attempting to fix many of the game's bugs, server issues, and other problems, but many feel that things are moving too slowly, and that not enough is being done to fix the military shooter.
DICE has already explained that it's doing everything it can, stressing that the team needed to take time off over Christmas just like everybody else.
But the internet is nothing if not a pressure cooker, and frustrated fans are starting to get so irate about the game that they're hurling threats and harassment at DICE and other members of the Battlefield community on Reddit.
Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that the Battlefield 2042 subreddit's mods have had to lay down the law, explaining that the easiest way to stop all the hatred will be to simply cut it off at the source, shutting down the subreddit till folk have calmed down.
"Over the past few days we have seen insults, harassment and vile comments directed towards members of our community and DICE employees," mods wrote in a message to players late last week. "We are making this statement to give you fair warning that we will not tolerate this anymore. We are letting you know what your options are in regards to how this subreddit functions in coming days.
"It’s an understatement when we say that this subreddit has grown incredibly toxic. It’s near impossible to have a simple discussion without insults being flung around at each other - and it’s really starting to harm the entire Battlefield community, and each of us that are part of it."
The mods then outlined a few possible outcomes. Either the toxicity calms down and no action is taken, or things don't get any better and threads star being locked. The third and final possibility is that things get worse, at which point the mods lockdown the subreddit for an undisclosed period of time.
As you can imagine, this hasn't gone down brilliantly with users on the subreddit who feel they have a right to express their frustrations at Battlefield 2042. But at the time of writing, no further action seems to have been taken, which would suggest things have calmed down.
Featured Image Credit: EATopics: Battlefield 2042, Dice