That’s right, you read the title correctly.
After almost 30 years, the iconic Nintendo 64 game Banjo-Kazooie is set to make a return and fans of the classic are over the moon.
Check out the trailer for 1997's Banjo-Kazooie below!
Originally released in 1997, Banjo-Kazooie was a 3D platformer developed by Rare.
With gameplay similar to Super Mario 64, Kazooie was often praised as one of the best titles to come from the Nintendo 64 which is why it is no wonder modders have been hard at work trying to bring it up to modern gaming’s standards.
Of course, this is not the first time a N64 title has been brought to PC.
Over the last few years, we have seen some iconic entries such as Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda, and Perfect Dark receive a PC port.
Now it seems like Banjo-Kazooie is getting the same treatment.
By decompiling the code from the original title to make it into the ‘C’ language for PC, this means that Kazooie can be run on PC without the need of an emulator.
Not only that but it can run natively on a widescreen, in 4K and with an uncapped framerate.
Ray-tracing mods can also be installed alongside it as well as texture overhauls and the ability for modders to dive in and play around with adding new levels, for example.
The catch is that the PC port for Banjo-Kazooie will require a copy (or ROM) of the original title and art and music will be omitted.
If you still want to play the 1997 title without any kerfuffle, it is worth remembering that the game has already received an Xbox port as well as being available on Nintendo’s N64 library for the Switch.
Despite being decades since their original releases, it seems as though fans are crying out for the return of the classics.
I, for one, can’t wait to see what else is set to make a return.
Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mods