You know, sometimes I realise that there’s a reason that gamers often have a bit of a reputation for not touching grass. Look, I love spending hours upon hours playing games as much as the next person, but there’s a point where things start getting ridiculous.
Over on Twitch, right this very moment, an absolutely colossal Age of Empires 2 match is going ahead between two streamers, Rubenstock and Andre_2i. At the time of writing, they've been locked in a stalemate for over 70 hours, which I'm sure I don't need to tell you is quite a bit longer than most Age of Empires matches should be. To be exact, a usual match should only take about an hour at most to complete - safe to say they’ve gotten quite a ways past that now.
While you're here, be sure to check out some of the best livestream wins and fails below.
This saga was first spotted by Reddit user ItsLikeRunescape, who posted a clip from the stream on r/LivestreamFail. At that time, the game had been going on for over 50 hours, but it hasn’t stopped since: “All of the resources have been depleted on the map, so no new units can be created, and neither player wants to concede, so they have been in a standoff for the past several days, with attempts by both to try and end the game to no avail,” they said.
This isn’t just a case of waiting around until someone surrenders, though - it is still possible to win: “Ruben can win with the amount and types of units he has by slowly grinding away at the castle and kiting its arrow shots. This has to be done while Andre is away/asleep, so potentially the game can go on for a long, long time,” ItsLikeRunescape explained. “Ruben has said that if he loses enough units that he can't win anymore, he will just retreat into his castle and wait it out until someone concedes, so who knows at this point how long it will go.”
As of right now, if you’re interested, the match is still ongoing, so be sure to tune in while you can to bear witness to this ludicrous match - check it out here. Both streamers are determined to see this through to the end, but it remains to be seen just how long it’s going to take to declare a winner. Good luck, fellas.
Topics: Twitch