I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is nothing, and I mean nothing more wholesome than older folks enjoying video games. Back in early 2019, Audrey Buchanan, better known as the Animal Crossing grandma, stole everyone’s hearts when her grandson shared just how much she loved the game - she recently celebrated her 90th birthday with lots of Animal Crossing themed gifts, you’ll be pleased to know.
Well, now we have another adorable senior gamer who’s rising to fame online, and for good reason. Chatty Grandpa (real name Trippe), is a 70-year-old former rock band guitarist and farmer, and more importantly, he loves video games. He’s been posting his journey of learning to play Minecraft over on YouTube and TikTok, and it’s the best thing you’ll see all day.
Check out Chatty Grandpa making his first Nether Portal below - his reaction is too pure.
The really sweet thing about all this is that viewers in Trippe’s comment sections are constantly leaving handy tips to help him - whether that’s warning him about looking directly at Endermen, or advising him to leave torches outside his house to ward away zombies. He’s really thankful for everyone’s help, too - his YouTube channel might well be the most pleasant corner of the internet at the moment.
It definitely seems like more and more older people are getting into video games lately, which is great to see. In February, one Redditor shared their retired uncle’s Skyrim playtime on the r/Skyrim subreddit, showing he’d poured almost 20,000 hours into the game since its release. Despite those thousands of hours, he’d still not got all the achievements - he was still somehow missing ‘At the Summit of Apocrypha’, AKA the final quest in Dragonborn. Maybe he just didn’t want to feel as if his grand journey was over?
Anyway, if you’re craving more wholesome content in your life, Chatty Grandpa’s Minecraft adventures are far from over - be sure to take a look at his channel here.