It has fallen to me to put together a ranked list that will likely see me dragged out in front of a firing squad. I feel like ranking the starter Pokémon is a bit like choosing your favourite kid. We all know deep down which is best but we can’t vocalise it. However, it’s come to me to fall on the sword and put out the GAMINGbible ranking of partner Pokémon.
I’m not giving you any more preamble. You wanna know what’s number one, so scroll down through 27 different Pokémon, from across nine generations, over five different consoles and representing 28 years of Pocket Monster collecting… Here we go.

Okay, Oshawott is cute and all, but he lacked any sense of originality when we already had Piplup previously. They’re very similar, despite being different species and it felt a little lacklustre. I will give this dude props for using shells as weapons, but even its evolution into Dewott is boring. Fair game that Samurott is dope, so I guess there’s a future here.

Sorry Snivy fans, but I just don’t like this design. I never have. It looks too snooty. Plus, we already had a green, grass-type reptile before. This is just the Treecko your mum tells you we have at home. It looks more villainous than friendly and honestly, unless you were in desperate need for a grass-type that early on, Black/White had better options.

Look at this boring-ahh hedgehog with a green hat. I think grass-types get a bit of a bad rep, but to be honest, Chespin is just forgettable. When compiling this list, so many great Pokémon came to mind, but this little dude just brings so little to the table I forgot it existed. The design is cute, but it’s the product of if your little sister designed Sonic the Hedgehog with a subpar collection of crayons.

Supposed to be a dinosaur, but actually looks like a green bean or a pea missing its pod. Chikorita is such a basic design it’s as if the developers forgot all about them until 11:58pm the day before a meeting with Nintendo. They do get props for the Ariana Grande high ponytail, though. This might not be the best grass-type, but Chikorita would slay in a group of iPad kids.

There’s no denying Grookey is cute. Little monkeys generally are adorable and making it green, with big eyes just taps into the kawaii vibes. However, Grookey also looks like an irritating sod, a bit like one of those kids who seems all sweetness and light until they vanish for 15 minutes and you have to listen to what a little grotbag they are - always drumming on every damn surface with their little stick. Grow up Grookey, actually don’t, your evolutions aren’t much better.

Okay, in the grand scheme of things, Popplio could go higher on this list - it’s a sea lion that moonlights as a clown. That’s some genius design from Game Freak. However, when you stack it up against all the other starters, especially the other water-types, it’s a bit weak. It does grow into Primarina on the third evolution, which is a majestic looking dancer, so if you’re happy to wait, Popplio does grow into an even better design.

Despite being designed after one of nature’s cuter animals, the fennec fox, Fennekin is a bit of a bland starter. Not overtly offensive, not irresistibly cute. Just there. It makes a nice plush toy, but beyond that, there’s no imagination, something Game Freak has been accused of over the last few generations. Though that’s a whole can of worms we’ll leave closed until time comes for another article.

Sobble’s tears are said to be as potent as “100 onions”. Imagine that, you’re a Pokémon who cries and makes everyone else have a breakdown. It’s like a nightclub bathroom when everyone has had a few too many drinks. Sobble is a cutie though and its colourings are a soothing palette of pastels, which helps if we’re all going to be crying while it's around. Oh, their water-type moves were pretty decent too, if you’re interested in that bit.

From Pokémon X and Y, Froakie seems like the weakest of the bunch in terms of visual design, however, the water powers kind of edge it out in front. The problem is, if you’re aware of the evolution line, you know Froakie is going to be overshadowed when they evolve into Greninja. A bit like Sobble before this, Froakie is cute enough, but doesn’t stand out enough to be cool, tough, or utterly adorable. Standard five out of 10 Pokémon.

The consensus on Tepig is pretty mild. Nobody hates an adorable pig who wields fire, but it seems that few really love it either. Perhaps that’s because beyond the game, Tepig is about as tepid as things can get. I’m not going to say the little dude is mid, because his design is too good for that, but as with some others on this list, there are better starters from that type and, let’s be honest, fire-type fans eat well each generation.

When Ash gets Treecko in the anime, the little grass-type Pokémon seems much cooler than in the games. They have an edge about them, a kind of ‘don’t mess me me’ vibe that is lost on the game sprites. Instead, Treecko just looks a bit weird and misshapen, with a huge bulbous tail. Has some decent moves to dominate other Pokémon though, so perhaps this little champ is double hard after all.

All Chimchar really has going for it is being a fire-type. Their design is really boring compared to others - it’s just a little chimp with a funny little flame shape on its head. Should we be giving props for the later evolutions? Maybe not, but it’s my list and I don’t care. Because both Monferno and Infernape look superior, bringing in new details to accent the fire. Their names are cooler too. Well done Chimchar, you’re only as good as your descendants.

As we edge our way to the most modern Pokémon title, Scarlet/Violet, we begin to reach a point where the Pokémon got a bit cuter again. They felt more fleshed out than others. Sprigatito was already adorable and a decent starter to get going on your adventure. The profile of this little grass-type kitty was elevated when it became the core starter in the Pokémon Horizons anime and earned a little more character.

Now, I like Quaxly, but I can’t divorce the idea that this is just the Pokémon version of Donald Duck. According to the internet, Quaxly is a gay icon though, so they get points for that. Plus, they do channel that fabulousness throughout Pokémon Horizons and seem to be a no-nonsense ‘mon who can hold their own. I was never bowled over by the overall design but there are far worse on this list, especially for water-types.

Oh look, all the Scarlet/Violet Pokémon ended up wedged together. I guess this puts Fuecoco at the top of the generation nine heap. Which makes sense because it’s easily the most adorable, the coolest, and is a fire-type which always seems to sway Pokémon fans (are we all secret pyromaniacs?). I think the appeal here is that Fuecoco looks utterly vacant behind the eyes, it just shows up for the vibes and the whimsy. No swag, but is always the friend you turn to.

In Ruby and Sapphire is the delightful Mudkip who has been the subject of many memes, all of them hilarious. While we all like to rip on this generation of Pokémon occasionally, Mudkip tends to get it the worst as he’s not overly memorable. Not in the game at least. I feel like as soon as I started to explore, better water-type Pokémon became available and I didn’t lean on this little dude quite as much. Not their fault though, but even the evolution designs were pretty mid.

Now, I did a little mooching around the internet to see how these Pokémon shape up in the eyes of others and boy do people love Piplup? I can see why. Cute penguins will always win hearts, but I think it’s also because Piplup almost achieved mascot status at one point becoming as recognisable as Pikachu or Eevee. I can’t fault the little guy. It seems chill, can dish out some decent moves and obviously holds its own in the popularity rankings. An all around cool dude.

None of Scorbunny’s attributes really gel together but that doesn’t stop this Pokémon from looking awesome constantly. Rabbits and fire don’t seem to mix and The Pokémon Company really leaned into it having big feet which made it good at football. None of this makes sense, but perhaps that’s why Scorbunny is actually pretty dope. Let’s be honest, you’d be scared, and a little excited, to see a rabbit booting a ball of fire at an enemy.

Another fire-type steps up to the plate. And probably the cutest of them all (maybe not for you Charmander fans, but don’t worry I’ll get to you) with the tiny features and stature of a baby chick. Don’t let the cuteness fool you. There’s a fiery tornado of power lurking under those feathers. The evolutions are far superior, but that’s par for the course generally, and at least Torchic is cute and powerful right from the off. I’m side-eyeing Treecko here.

Rowlet reminds me of that meme - “If not friend, why friend shaped?” - because Rowlet does look like the ideal pal. Just a happy little dude, always there to help out, being ultra cute and pretty badass, too. There’s simple joy in just being round - at least that’s what I tell my doctor - and Rowlet’s design just hasn’t aged badly. What an icon.

If Fuecoco got points for being a crocodile, then it stands to reason that Totodile gets a boost because of this too. But then there are other reasons as to why this water-type is riding high on the list. It’s an absolute goofball. Of course, I’m referencing the anime more than the games, but when it comes to its appearance in Gold/Silver, it wasn’t a slouch. Totodile held up the teams of many players and became a favourite swiftly.

Just missing out on the top five, and the first appearance of the first generation of Pokémon, we’ve got Bulbasaur. Honestly, at this point it’s hard to really split hairs on why some are better than others. Really it comes down to the fact that Bulbasaur just isn’t as good, visually, but also in terms of playstyle, as their compatriots from Red/Green/Blue. And as you’ll see, we’ll get to them soon. Bulbasaur is entirely memorable though, but perhaps for its evolutions rather than first stage, because it became a proper little monster as it evolved.

Here we go, top five time. And the first of three fire-types in the top five. Cyndaquil, I hate to say, is very dull to look at, but the games and the anime have handled this little dude pretty well. The final form in the evolution line is perhaps the most fire (haha) and it’s in viewing Typhlosion that Cyndaquil gets all the cuter by its absence of lots of detailing. Basic, pumpkin-spice Pokémon, really - reliable, sweet, and always in style.

I can already hear the furious typing of fans saying Charmander should be higher on this list but you’re only saying that because Charizard is one of the best Pokémon of all-time. Charmander is great, superb even, but it’s not its final form. Design is flawless (plus repping us baldies), the simplicity is lovely, and the little flame tail is just too cute. Charmander looks awesome when pouting with sadness or anger at the world, and you always knew that they’d be part of the team forever.

When we reach this point in the list, really it’s time for me to say that any of these starters could be your favourite. The beauty of Pokémon is that it’s all very subjective. Your love is built around the looks, your favourite game, or how the Pokémon played. Turtwig, while not the cutest on this list, holds a special place because it comes from one of the best games - Diamond/Pearl - and evolves into the wondrous monstrosity that is Torterra. And while I didn’t say it’s the cutest, there’s no denying the tiny tree, making this a heartbreaker Pokémon starter.

Surprise! Bet you didn’t expect Litten to be this high on the list. I feel like every list needs an underdog (or cat in this instance) and Litten also polled pretty high when I asked the GAMINGbible team for their input. Litten is incredibly adorable, evolves into one of the toughest Pokémon in the competitive scene, plays an important part in the anime, and its fire-type moves make it a force to be reckoned with. It’s a great design, making this kitten look like a constant menace, always up to something, and that’s usually burning something to the ground.

It would feel a little criminal not to crown a generation one Pokémon as the winner. The original designs are still the best and they hold a very special place in the hearts of millions of players. Not only that but Squirtle has become a meme - sunglasses Squirtle is the best Squirtle - a legend, and a Pokémon to rival the popularity of Pikachu. Squirtle is one of the Pokémon that transcends the franchise somewhat being an instantly recognised Pocket Monster, cutie-patootie, and probably an S-tier Smash Bros fighter. Squirtle is Pokémon royalty and our favourite starter.
Topics: Anime, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Online, Pokemon, Opinion, List