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Riffmaster Guitar Controller review: while my guitar gently beeps

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Riffmaster Guitar Controller review: while my guitar gently beeps

In the year of our lord 2024, Rock Band is back

It’s been over eight years since the world saw a brand-new guitar peripheral with the launch of Rock Band 4 (I’m not counting Guitar Hero Live, and neither should you). In that time, civilisation has moved on, and the globe has long forgotten the phenomenal rise and fall of the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises... But in recent years there have been whispers of a return. Guitar Hero arcade machines popping up at barcades around the world and a passionate group of fans forming a huge community dedicated to bringing an authentic experience to PC with the entirely legal and not at all dubious at all, Clone Hero.

Riffmaster Guitar /

Now, in the year of our lord 2024, the launch of Fortnite Festival has heralded the almighty return of the plastic guitar, with the release of the PDP Riffmaster.

First and foremost, the Riffmaster is (for better or worse) a Rock Band guitar. I personally always preferred the Guitar hero style button placement. The buttons here are embedded into the fretboard and considerably wider than a Guitar Hero user would likely be used to. What this means is that if you are used to the protruding and round edged Guitar Hero buttons, you may find the adjustment to this button formatting somewhat irksome. Sliding across between fret buttons may be easier, but knowing when you have transferred over, or knowing where your fingers are, can be a tougher estimation.

This is almost certainly a skill issue, but I used to be hitting five stars on Cliffs of Dover on Guitar Hero 3 with the wireless Les Paul controller, but here, reviewing the Riffmaster on Rock Band 4, I am but a shadow of my former self.

Personal issues aside, it's great to see the plastic guitar craze return, and the Riffmaster is a genuinely solid bringing up to date for those looking to dive in fresh or return to the genre. It takes aspects of guitar peripherals of the past and brings them up to modern standards.

It’s hard to find any major fault with the Riffmaster, it’s mostly well-built and works seamlessly with my Xbox Series X (thanks to the USB dongle). My only quibbles are barely noticeable.

The controller folds in half at the neck for easy transport to your pals next Rock Band party – a great feature - unfortunately this leaves a slightly wobbly neck when it’s all put together. It’s one of those things that you only notice when you’re giving it a purposeful wiggle, and as soon as you’re fingering your way through Through the Fire and Flames you will be none-the-wiser.

Folded Riffmaster /

One thing you may notice however, is how much of a real jolt you need to give the guitar to activate Star Power (nobody calls it Overdrive, don’t be silly). We’ve all been there when the overly sensitive controller has activated it from the slightest movement and wasted Star Power during a vocal segment, but with the Riffmaster it feels like an obtrusive amount of effort has to be put into throwing the guitar upright that can really throw you off your groove.

There’s also a mysterious analogue stick on the back of the controller where the neck connects to the headstock. We currently have no idea the purpose of this as the PR has stated this is embargoed until the Riffmaster releases. We’re also still waiting on Epic to add Rock Band 4 controller compatibility to Fortnite Festival.

Mystery thumbstick /

For most Guitar Hero and Rock Band fans, their controllers will be old and battered, so it’s genuinely going to come as a great relief that there's a swanky new guitar to replace those beat up classics. I may have issues with the Rock Band style of controller, but I can’t help but be excited for the possible resurgence of plastic guitar-based games. Now excuse me, while I knock out five stars on my Carry on My Wayward Son.

Pretty please though, PDP, make a classic Guitar Hero style Riffmaster alternative...

Pros: Works flawlessly wirelessly, portability, planned Fortnite Festival compatibility

Cons: Analogue stick is still a mystery, Rock Band style button configuration

For fans of: Being an aging millennial, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Fortnite

The PDP Riffmaster Wireless Controller is currently up for pre-order for Xbox Series X|S (version tested) and PlayStation 5. A review unit was provided by the publisher.

Featured Image Credit: PDP

Topics: Tech, Fortnite, Xbox, PlayStation 5