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Xbox Series X getting free download for a game you'll struggle to put down

Xbox Series X getting free download for a game you'll struggle to put down

A PC/mobile game is heading to console and we can't wait

A PC and mobile banger is making its way to the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 soon and it is a game you will not want to put down.

First released back in 2022 and the latest entry in the Shovel Knight franchise, Shovel Knight Dig is a roguelite platformer by Yacht Club Games and Nitrome.

Check out our deep dive into the Xbox Series X below!

Up until now, Shovel Knight Dig has only been available on PC, Nintendo Switch and iOS but that is set to change later this year according to an announcement by Yacht Club Games.

Not only will the roguelite platformer come to the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 but it will also arrive alongside the final DLC Wicked Wishes. This free download will be the final DLC for Shovel Knight Dig and will be released across all platforms.

The DLC synopsis reads: “The new downloadable content begins in Hoofman’s Guild Hall—a secret hideout where elite quest-seekers and their illustrious patrons converge! Climb the ranks within the guild by undertaking their thrilling challenges.

Collect powerful Relics and buffs, face new bosses and enemies, and unravel the mysteries encircling the impeccably dressed horse and his top adventurer, the Guildarch. But be careful what you wish for, wicked consequences await you in the well…”

Alongside the DLC, its developers have also added “finishing touches” to the game including over 100 bug fixes, tweaks and localisation improvements.

Wicked Wishes” marks the completion of Shovel Knight Dig, a project that has been shaping up since 2018,” the announcement continues. “Thanks for all the cherished memories we’ve created together during this development process.”

Although there is no set date yet, Shovel Knight Dig will arrive on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series later this year so don’t miss out on this epic title.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox Series X, Xbox, PlayStation 5, Free Games