Before we begin, I want you to know that I just let out an audible sigh. Uri Geller has taken to Twitter in an attempt to show a photo that ‘proves’ that aliens exist. As it turns out. It’s a photo taken from the TV show The X-Files.
The existence of aliens is rather a hot topic at the moment. Well, it always has been. We’ve all been at sleepovers in our younger years, having late night conversations. ‘Do you think aliens are real?’ We’d all discuss. Well, it’s a debate that’s recently reached dizzying new heights after whistleblower and former intelligence officer David Grusch told Congress that the US government has secretly recovered “non-human biologics” and “non-human vehicles” from several crash sites. Grusch confirmed that he’d not seen a vehicle himself, but had conducted interviews with over 40 colleagues who had - all seemingly sworn to secrecy.
As reported by Sky News, the Pentagon has denied claims of a cover-up, though Joe Biden’s administration is facing calls to declassify documents relating to UFOs. So, the debate as to whether aliens are real rages on - and in this latest development, Uri Geller has joined in on the debate. If you don’t know, Geller is an illusionist and ‘self-proclaimed psychic’. He’s previously come under fire from fellow illusionists who say that claiming to actually have psychic powers is fraud.
Geller claims his ‘powers’ were gifted by extraterrestrials - despite the fact that his tricks can be replicated using stage magic techniques. Geller attests that he was sent to earth by aliens from a spaceship 53,000 light years away. It was only a matter of time before Geller threw his two cents in on the latest alien situation.
Taking to Twitter, Geller shared a photo showing alien corpses lined up in a morgue. He captioned it, “My dear friends, I cannot at this stage reveal any information about this photo, but please be patient until I am allowed to say more if at all. Meanwhile I am very curious what you all think about this picture you might notice something I have overlooked. Remember I have seen alien bodies in a NASA refrigerator room with Dr Wernher von Braun and captain Edgar Mitchel who walked on the moon. There was a CIA scientist with us.”
It turns out, there’s really nothing to reveal about the photo. It was soon tagged as being taken from season five, episode one of The X-Files. ‘Proof’ = debunked.
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