Despite being one of the most recognisable faces in film history, Yoda remains somewhat of an enigma when it comes to his origins.
However, thanks to a recent story, we now have slightly more information on the Jedi’s fascinating lore.
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First appearing in the 1980 film, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, the small, green humanoid alien has gone on to become one of the most important characters in the history of the sci-fi franchise.
Yoda went on to appear in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, as well as the prequel trilogy, sequel trilogy and the animated series, Star Wars Rebels.
That is why it is a shock that we barely know nothing about him at all.
What we do know is that Yoda’s main Jedi Master was N'Kata Del Gormo even though he was taught by several ancient Jedi Masters over his lifetime.
However, it is his time with N’Kata that has now become canon thanks to the book Star Wars: Mace Windu, The Glass Abyss by Steven Barnes.
Mentioned over on Star Wars Explained, the book is written through the eyes of Mace Windu and confirms that N'Kata Del Gormo was a Hysalrian who took on the role of one of Yoda’s mentors.
However, Mace reveals that he does not know much about the reputable Master.
Over the course of Star Wars canon, N'Kata Del Gormo has been described as something of a mythical figure but we do know that she took on the form of a serpentine, four-armed Jedi Master.
Other than the name drop in Barnes’ The Glass Abyss, N’Kata still remains an enigma, much like her student but with the Star Wars’ universe regularly jumping between timelines, hopefully we will see the pair in a future adaptation.
Until then, it is nice to receive further confirmation of Yoda’s origins almost fifty years after the release of the first movie.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film