Star Wars fans think they’ve solved one of the biggest mysteries in the franchise, what the hell is a Yoda?
Despite being one of the most iconic Star Wars characters of all time, we really know very little about Yoda and his species, and The Mandalorian is yet to answer any questions through Grogu and his development.
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Aside from wondering why he talks in riddles, perhaps he just likes messing with people, and why he’s so strong with the force, the biggest question fans have is what species does he belong to?
Plenty of theories and headcanons have been thrown out there, but a Reddit thread by dolgont has possibly provided the best answer yet.
Dolgont theories that Yoda’s species is simply called the Jedi, explaining why they’re so tuned in to the force and make such great teachers of it.
Obviously take this with a pinch of salt as it hasn’t been confirmed in or out of the mainline canon, in fact I’d bet even George Lucas doesn’t know the answer, and if he does he’s not going to share it anytime soon.
It would make a lot of sense though, as we’ve seen through Grogu that those apart of Yoda’s species have a natural talent for force abilities, so it’d make sense they were the ones who first started wielding its power.
Of course there are a few issues with the theory, like if the founding race of the force was called the Jedi where did the Sith come from? And if they were so powerful how come there’s seemingly only a handful of them left?
I doubt we’ll ever truly know the answer, and knowing Star Wars fans if we do we’re probably not going to like it.
Topics: TV And Film, Star Wars