Star Wars fans are shockingly underwhelmed at what the Mythosaur actually looks like, after it was hyped up so much in The Mandalorian TV series.
The Mythosaur is a legendary creature that’s very important to Mandalorian culture, as they were indigenous to, you guessed it, Mandalore.
Would recommend rewatching The Mandalorian when you’ve got a spare weekend, especially with the film coming up…
They were teased extensively in The Mandalorian Season 3, which saw our hero embark on a quest to restore his honour after removing his helmet in front of another living creature.
Of course Mythosaurs were alluded to before then, as Din had an emblem of one fused to his armour in the first season.
That said they’ve always been referred to as mythical beings that may or may not have existed in the first place, after all Mandalore is a very old planet there was no real evidence they actually lived there.
But when Din bathes in the pools of Mandalore and leaves for his next big adventure the camera goes below the surface and reveals a creature wading through the water, suggesting they are real and will have an important role in future Mandalorian projects, possibly the film.
We’ve since had our first official look at the beasts through the Star Wars encyclopaedia, but fans aren’t impressed.
“This is supposed to be a deep-dwelling aquatic animal??? I imagined it having a long neck for some reason,” said one fan responding to a Reddit thread about the creature.
“Looks cool. Wish it wasn’t fully revealed like this though, I thought they only showed its face in Mando season 3 because they wanted to save the full reveal for some epic moment but I guess not” added another.
Who knows what the future holds for the Mythosaurs now, but they won’t restrict such a cool design to an encyclopaedia right?..Right?
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film