One of the biggest crimes in the galaxy was fixed years ago and I’m not talking about a popular Jedi murdered in Sheev Palptine’s office or the release of The Last Jedi and Rise of the Skywalker, I’m talking about the injustice of Chewbacca not receiving his well-earned medal.
Any Star Wars fan will feel this frustration during the ceremony that concluded Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. No doubt when it came to the destruction of the Death Star, Luke Skywalker deserves his props and so too does the Millennium Falcon pilot, Han Solo.
Check out the Star Wars: A New Hope trailer below!
Yet, during the aforementioned ceremony, everyone’s favourite princess, Princess Leia awarded Luke Skywalker and Han Solo big shiny medals for their heroics, and rightly so. Sadly, Chewie was totally discredited and never received his deserved medal (RD-D2 and C-3PO could also argue a case).
To put it frankly, Chewie was treated like a proper mug and was even made to pose in a photo standing in front of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, both of which were understandably gleaming. In fact, I only had this recurring conversation about this injustice with my son the other day.
However, that wrong has been made right (kind of) in the novelisation of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope which was based on an early script of the movie.
Ok, I’m about to get on my high horse, so I’ll wind my neck in. Reddit user prudent_rodent shared a paragraph from the novel detailing Chewie receiving his medal. Which begs the question, why was Chewie’s big moment removed from the movie?
“She [Princess Leia] placed something heavy and golden around Solo’s neck, then Chewbacca’s - having to strain to do so - and finally around Luke’s,” it reads. “Then she made a signal to the crowd, and the rigid discipline dissolved as every man, woman and mechanical present was permitted to give full vent to their feelings.
Another Reddit user also mentioned that this scene in which Chewie got his medal was also featured in a Star Wars comic book adaptation of A New Hope. Still, I refuse to not be annoyed by the fact that Chewie never got his big moment on the silver screen.
Topics: Disney, Star Wars, TV And Film