Jack Black is once again in the news this week, but this time it’s for something less controversial.
Earlier this week, fans were left in a state of shock when Mario star Jack Black called time on Tenacious D.
An ill-timed joke after the failed attempt to assassinate Trump left Black and Kyle Gass at odds with one another.
Thankfully, this news is less divisive than that.
After Black confirmed he would be playing Steve in the new Minecraft film, fans have been waiting to see what the famous character will look like.
We’ve just got our first unofficial glimpse of the actor's portrayal as Steve.
Lord, we hope this isn't the final version of Steve because it's not great.
Purportedly, the film images have leaked online, and with their appearance comes fans' reactions, many of which are quite sassy towards Black.
Shared on Twitter by user Chimera, the image is accompanied by these words, “He abandoned a 30 year friendship and partnership to do this btw.”
Putting to one side their feelings towards Black and Gass’ split, the commentary surrounding the now leaked image speaks of a greater issue.
Quite simply, this doesn’t look like Steve.
To make us all feel better, here's a trailer for Minecraft x Sonic the Hedgehog
“Did they whitewash Steve?” asked one user, “Why?”
Someone else also queried why Steve is white, as well as wondering when he suddenly aged to become “60 years old”.
We all knew Steve wasn’t going to look like the traditional character in Minecraft the moment Black was cast, let’s be honest here.
That said, few of us expected to feel quite so underwhelmed by our first peek at the live adaptation.
“He looks like a Walmart Halloween costume,” one joke reads, and now we can’t view the image any other way.
It all feels like a poor man’s version of Steve.
Whether the lack of support for this movie is solely down to Black’s actions, we wouldn’t like to say.
Nonetheless, damage has clearly been done here, to both Black and Steve by the looks of the leaked images...!
Topics: Real Life, TV And Film, Minecraft