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Spider-Man 4 villain teased by insider

Spider-Man 4 villain teased by insider

Is there a misdirection at play here?

Ever since the the final scenes of Spider-Man: No Way Home fans have wondered what’s next for Peter Parker in the MCU.

Of course, the film ended with nobody remembering who Parker is and it was a sad way to end what turned out to be a wonderful trilogy of films. All eyes are looking to the next installment and the potential villain.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 gave us one of the best versions of Venom and the MCU could learn a lot from it

Given the post-credits sting of No Way Home - seeing Eddie Brock and his symbiote companion, Venom, fans wondered if the alien creature would finally make its way to the MCU.

However, the trailer for the third Venom film showed the small patch of symbiote goo that Brock left behind was captured and supposedly disposed of.

But what if it wasn’t? Could this be a misdirection? An industry insider seems to think it is and has posted on Twitter, “Marvel Studios/Sony are ‘very close’ to hiring a director for ‘SPIDER-MAN 4.’ The plan is for the symbiote to appear in the film.”

For many years, fans have wanted to see a proper battle between Spidey and Venom, particularly since Marvel began working with Sony to produce the Tom Holland trilogy.

One theory suggests that the small glob of symbiote will somehow find its way to Peter Parker, creating the famous symbiote suit, while others believe it will end up in the hands of the MCU Eddie Brock, jumping straight to Venom.

Whatever direction Marvel and Sony go in, there’s now a probable chance the symbiote will appear because of its capture. If we’re to follow the likely path, it’ll end up in some lab somewhere and Peter will get a job there, bringing the two together.

This is especially likely given that the Peter Parker we know from the end of No Way Home is a sad, and possibly angry version of the character, making a connection with the alien symbiote even more possible.

Until the film gets a director, then several years pass and we see a trailer, we’ll never know.

Featured Image Credit: Sony Pictures

Topics: Spider Man, Marvel, Sony