Marvel is bringing back a villain from the early days of the MCU, so early, in fact, that he last appeared in Iron Man, from 2008.
In an unexpected move, it seems that Faran Tahir will be returning to the role of Raza, the antagonist from Iron Man in the upcoming Marvel project featuring Vision.
Marvel is bringing back a classic villain from Iron Man
Whether or not the show ends up being called Vision Quest or not, that’s how I’ll refer to it from this point on.
Vision Quest is set to pick up where WandaVision ended, completing the trilogy that saw Agatha All Along as part two.
It will feature Paul Bettany as Vision, but we’re unsure as to how the villain Raza could be involved.
Of course, Vision has ties to Tony Stark, so it could be something there.
Or, perhaps, Raza will simply appear in a flashback, though that doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense given how Vision has evolved over time.
We didn’t see the villain die at the end of Iron Man, so he could be alive out there, biding his time.
We’re going to have to wait until we finally see a trailer for the project to see if any hints are given.
The show, which was once called Vision Quest, but this has possibly changed, will feature Ultron as a key character with James Spader returning.
We assume, given that we saw White Vision at the end of WandaVision, that the character is out there pondering his purpose in life and possibly looking for Wanda.
The last time we saw Wanda, she was being buried under tonnes of rock and, possibly, dying.
Will the show bring the two back together and set up their fate for the upcoming Avengers films?
Your guess is as good as mine, but it’ll be interesting to see how Marvel makes Raza a part of all this.
Topics: Marvel, MCU, TV And Film