If you thought Avengers: Endgame was long, that’s nothing compared to the runtime of yesterday’s chair reveal.
I should think it was impossible to miss but if you did, consider yourself lucky and allow me to fill you in.
Marvel Studios unveiled the first batch of cast members for Avengers: Doomsday via a livestream that revealed a new chair adorned with a cast member's name once every 10 to 15 minutes.
Yes, it was as laborious to watch and report on as it sounds.
Why they couldn’t have shortened it to say, every five minutes, I do not know.
I’ve never watched anything so tedious in all my life, and Doctor Doom star Robert Downey Jr has already been teasing that there’s more names to come.
We all suspected as much given that the reveal mainly focused on The Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts*, and returning Fox X-Men with a couple of Avengers thrown in.
We’re yet to see confirmations for major MCU names like Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Tom Holland (Spider-Man), or Mark Ruffalo (Hulk).
That’s not exactly why fans are already concerned though.
You can view the trailer for Thunderbolts* below.
Robert Downey Jr’s name was the last to appear, and he’s the only actor that actually made an appearance in the video.
He began by sitting on his chair, doing a ‘shush’ to the camera, before standing at the end of the long line of the 27 revealed chairs.
Why is this cause for concern?
“It all leads to Doom,” Marvel wrote following the livestream.
“I feel like DOOM is gonna wipe out like 90% of that cast lol and then Secret Wars can feature the rest who were unannounced in this reveal,” commented a worried valarpizzaeris on Reddit.
“Oh dang wait, you're right. This entire list is characters who are expendable. The Thunderbolts cast and X-Men have already had multiple movies and will probably be taken out. Thor and Loki have had their stories told despite their popularity and will probably get one more reunion before dying. Shuri might die to make way for T'Challa Jr,” added ChemicalExperiment.
Would Doomsday be so bold?
The film can’t pull the ‘bring everyone back’ trick because that’s been done before.
I’m dubious as to whether everyone will be wiped out but I definitely think there’ll be a culling to streamline the bloated MCU.
Doomsday is set to release in cinemas next year.
Topics: MCU, Marvel, TV And Film, Disney, Avengers