With Deadpool teaming up with Wolverine in the latest Marvel movie, it has got fans thinking about which other heroes they would like to see come together in the future.
Topping the blockbuster charts over the summer, Deadpool & Wolverine was a hit to say the least and saw the unlikely duo team up to save the universe.
Check out the official trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine below!
The R-rated Marvel flick saw Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine and Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool work seamlessly together so it is no wonder that fans are deciding who the latter should team up with next.
Now thanks to a recent discussion over on r/MCUTheories, we may finally have the answer.
Deadpool and Captain America.
“There was a post a few days ago about who Deadpool should team up with next time. I have spent waaaay too much time on thinking about the perfect team-up,” the original post read.
They go on to explain that Spider-Man wouldn’t work as they couldn’t see Tom Holland in an R-rated movie and Venom and Deadpool would be a “R-rated CGI snooze fest”.
“But then I saw an interview where Ryan talks about his friendship with Chris [Evans] and they do cameos in each other's movies. And then I got it.
A movie with Cap and Deadpool. With Cap constantly about to lose his temper with Wade and Wade pushing all his buttons.
Deadpool in full fanboy mode. The two of them fighting to do the right thing but morally so far apart.
Wade then finally pushing Cap over the edge and Cap unleashed in beautiful R-rated fury.
The movie I could see happening here could be so glorious.”
It seems like other Marvel fans agree and took to the comments to support this potential duo.
“In the comic, Deadpool has tremendous respect for Cap and they team up often. Sure, there's the usual Deadpool nonsense, but it is a little more buttoned up for the guy,” one comment read.
Of course, this is just fan speculation but it would be cool to see these much-loved characters come together in the future of the Deadpool series.
Topics: Marvel, MCU, TV And Film