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Marvel slammed by angry fans over unwelcome MCU surprise

Marvel slammed by angry fans over unwelcome MCU surprise

Prepare yourself for heartbreak

The MCU has somewhat lost its way. Let’s face it, it was always going to be difficult to follow up The Infinity Saga.

I don’t think any of us had attended a cinematic event quite like Avengers: Endgame before.

I’ll be impressed if the culmination of The Multiverse Saga can match it. This second MCU run hasn’t exactly dazzled viewers.

It’s far from a total disaster. The Multiverse Saga has introduced a number of great characters from Ms. Marvel to Yelena Belova.

The problem is, it doesn’t always feel like the franchise is heading anywhere. There’s no Thanos-esque big bad looming over our heroes.

That’s what Kang is supposed to be but I fear they’ve shown too much of Kang too soon via his many variants. The character has already lost any sense of threat or intrigue.

There’s also the rumour to consider that The Multiverse Saga might be moving on from Kang altogether with Avengers: The Kang Dynasty now reportedly referred to as Avengers 5 internally.

Deadpool & Wolverine, which is set to launch on 26 July, has been touted as the film that could restore glory to the MCU.

Ahead of the film’s release a small story spoiler has been released, and it’s already left fans reeling.

Take a look at Deadpool & Wolverine in action below.

In a new issue of Total Film magazine, an updated synopsis has been provided for the film, published on Twitter via fan account DeadpoolUpdate.

Deadpool & Wolverine takes place six years after Deadpool 2,” it begins.

Wade is “proving to be useless at selling cars, hawking Blind Al’s blood-pressure meds to make rent, and his beloved Vanessa has a new boyfriend.”

It’s that last part that stings. Yes, Vanessa has a new beau which is all the more painful after seeing what Wade went through to save her in Deadpool 2.

It’s going to be interesting to hear what happened between the duo but it’s not a break-up that fans are reacting well to.

“I’m sorry. Vanessa has WHAT?” wrote one such fan.

“So they basically undid Deadpool 2’s romantic plot in the laziest way possible,” added another.

I’ll withhold judgement for now. I just hope Deadpool & Wolverine knows what it’s doing.

Featured Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Topics: Marvel, TV And Film, Disney