A brand new Wolverine is set to enter the Marvel universe this December, and if previews are to be believed it seems like the last character you might expect will be taking over the mantle.
As announced at New York Comic Con by Marvel Comics’ Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski, our new Wolverine will be getting their own spin-off title in the Marvel Ultimate Universe: Ultimate Wolverine.
It's a huge time for Wolverine fans, there's even a video game on the way!
The announcement came paired with the artwork for the first issue and the press release even included a little hint about Ultimate Wolverine’s backstory.
“In order to maintain control of their corner of the Maker’s world, three members of his council – Magik, Colossus and Omega Red – deploy their most lethal asset: The Winter Soldier! But WHO is the weapon behind the mask?”
Much like in the original mainline Marvel Comics universe, Earth 616, there are a few links between the projects that created both Wolverine and The Winter Soldier.
Department X was behind the plot to brainwash Bucky Barnes into becoming The Winter Soldier and was a KGB-operated offshoot of Department K, the latter of which was a Canadian-operated cover program that was responsible for morphing Logan into Weapon X.
This does potentially imply that perhaps Bucky Barnes will be taking over the mantle of Wolverine in the new Ultimate Universe, but we’ll seemingly have to wait until January 2025 to confirm whether or not that’s true.
However, we won’t have to wait quite as long to see the new Ultimate Wolverine in action.
As announced at San Diego Comic Con back in July, a new event set in the Ultimate Universe, Ultimate Universe: One Year In, will seemingly also feature the new Wolverine in their first appearance.
They’ll likely wait until Ultimate Wolverine #1 to explain more of Wolverine’s backstory though, so keep an eye out for any big reveals in the meantime.