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Marvel officially confirms Moon Knight's return in new series

Marvel officially confirms Moon Knight's return in new series

At last, he's returned to us

You didn’t think he was truly gone, did you? Moon Knight has officially returned, as confirmed by Marvel itself.

Before you TV fans get excited, this news refers to the comic book portrayals of the anti-hero as opposed to Disney’s.

Sadly, this means we have no further details regarding season two of the show; the last we heard, Oscar Isaac was discussing a possible return with Marvel.

Despite those talks seemingly going nowhere, Moon Knight is far from over.

Upon the pages of Blood Hunt, the complex superhero returned to play a vital and rather major role.

Seems rather fitting to bring back the Moon Knight season one trailer

This return from the dead has nicely paved the way for Moon Knight’s official return in October’s Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu issue one.

For any doubting Thomases, Marvel released this statement: “The father, freed. The son, returned. Marc Spector, Jake Lockley and Stephen Grant hit the streets once more as Moon Knight, and he's making up for lost time,”

It continues, "The streets have changed since Moon Knight died [...] MOON KNIGHT: FIST OF KHONSHU #1 marks the 40th issue of our time with Moon Knight – and we've got plenty more that we're looking forward to sharing with you!”

As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, a special edition issue has been released to see in this new chapter within Moon Knight’s story.

Referred to as “#0”, this “unreleased” story is an “essential chapter” that follows on from Blood Hunt issue four.

Moreover, “it’s also a perfect starting point for readers who want to jump into one of the hottest modern Marvel sagas,” so sayeth Marvel.

Moon Knight is back, and with his return comes epic tales to keep us on the edge of our seats. We can’t wait to see what the anti-hero gets up to in his upcoming issue.

Featured Image Credit: Marvel, Disney

Topics: Marvel, Comics, Disney, TV And Film