Marvel has just debuted a new Hawkeye, but before I tell you who it is I want you to promise me you’re gonna be chill and cool about this. No weird Twitter rants or vaguely discriminatory Facebook comments. Just relax and read the whole article first.
So, we don’t actually know who this new Hawkeye is. It would actually be far more accurate to say that we know who they aren’t.
This new Hawkeye was teased by Marvel back in July, following a preview of Ultimates issue #5.
Just to clarify, this isn’t part of the Ultimate Comics/Ultimate Marvel series that ran from 2000-2015 (perhaps most famous for introducing Miles Morales), nor is it the Ultimates team that was introduced back in 2015. This is from Marvel’s new Ultimate Universe series, which is super easy to understand and absolutely not confusing in any way.
Jokes aside, the Ultimate Universe is probably the most beloved thing that Marvel Comics is currently putting out. It also features Jonathan Hickman’s Ultimate Spider-Man, a run that’s being touted as one of the best Spidey comics ever made.
ComicBook’s Timothy Adams recently showed off some previews for Ultimates #5, which featured some more insight into our new Hawkeye.
Ultimate Hawkeye is Native American, and took over the mantle after Clint Barton himself quit and threw out his brand new costume.
It seems our new Hawkeye is a bit of an eco-warrior, as they’re targeting Roxxon due to their environmentally unfriendly practices.
Also, that outfit is sick. Finally getting to see a full-body shot of it just confirms it for me. Whoever came up with that design absolutely cooked. They are granted full access to the kitchen whenever they desire.
We’ll have to wait until the 9th of October to learn more about Ultimate Hawkeye’s origin and also to find out what their name is, but I for one am excited. It’s all a hell of a lot better than what’s going on in the main continuity’s Spider-Man at least.