Ryan Reynolds isn’t the only actor who can do Marvel’s Deadpool justice.
Ever since the first leak of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Marvel fans have struggled to picture anyone else playing the role.
It seems like such a perfect fit.
And yet, Marvel’s new Deadpool actor is delighting fans just as much, maybe even more so.
This new version of Deadpool comes from Lego Marvel Avengers: Mission Demolition.
Wanna see the new merc? Then check out LEGO Marvel Avengers: Mission Demolition
During the credits, Deadpool is somewhat offended that he’s a post credit scene; you’ll note that he’s voiced by someone other than Reynolds.
That someone is Jason Mantzoukas.
Seen and heard in the likes of Big Mouth, Modern Family, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Mantzoukas is known for his kooky, wild characters.
“Jason Mantzoukas Deadpool KINDA GOES CRAZY I'M NGL,” posted Twitter user @beanzaru.
From there, an outpouring of love for Mantzoukas as the Merc with a Mouth flooded in.
One fan remarked on how they’ve “been saying for years” how well the actor is suited to the part.
Despite all of this love for the new Deadpool actor, it’s unlikely that the MCU is about to recast the role for live action films.
Even if we’re all getting a little tired of Reynolds’ Deadpool by now (sorry, Ryan), he pulls in audiences time and again. Even more so when he’s doing something stupid.
Marvel fans didn’t just get to meet a new Deadpool in this latest LEGO Marvel special, they also got to see She-Hulk kick vs Deadpool.
To be honest, she goes easy on him, but it’s still a fun sequence to watch as the credits roll.
With so much speculation is around regarding other MCU related projects, like Tom Holland not returning as Spider-Man, fans need fun, silly moments like this one.
We hope this won’t be the last time we see Mantzoukas as Deadpool because, much like Reynolds, he suits this role.
Topics: Marvel, MCU, TV And Film, Disney