The MCU hasn’t come to play with its new Avengers lineup.
Before you get up in arms, we know we reference a new Avengers lineup often. It’s not our fault, though – Marvel keeps revealing team variations.
Just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, another lineup pops up.
Few of the ones we’ve detailed in the past are as wild as this Avengers roster, though.
What If...? looks incredible. We... we can't handle it.
In the trailer for Marvel’s What If...? season three, we see many heroes entering the fray to ensure this final season is one nobody forgets.
Our surprise new MCU Thor is an inspired choice, as too are the Avengers from the trailer.
The Mech Avengers have landed, ready to battle any foes who get in their way.
Due to the bulky armour they’re wearing, some fans are referring to the new lineup as the “Marvel Rangers”.
“Go, Go, Marvel Rangers,” teased AntonKutovoi.
Beyond the jokes, the need for such advanced technology has some wondering who the villain is that they’re fighting.
“Who are they fighting that they need a mech suit like that lol,” asked mh1357_0.
By all means, place your bets now if you have a solid hunch who it'll be.
We’re not interested in who they’re fighting, though, at least not right now.
Instead, we want to know one very important piece of information: do the suits combine?
User qwadzxs is interested in learning the answer to this question as well, “If they don't all combine into one I'm going to be very disappointed.”
What If...? is such a sublime part of the MCU, it’ll be a shame for the series to end.
As heartbroken as fans are about this news, we’re of the mind that it’s better to call time while it’s still entertaining rather than watch it die a slow, lingering death.
We want to go out with a bang. And oh, what a bang it’ll be.
Topics: Disney, MCU, Marvel, TV And Film