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Harry Potter HBO series officially lands Game of Thrones talent

Harry Potter HBO series officially lands Game of Thrones talent

Wands at the ready

Questions have been raised about whether this HBO Harry Potter series would ever get off the ground. And now, we’ve all got our answer: yes, apparently it will.

After much searching, Warner Bros has found the duo that’ll be the driving force of its creative team for the project.

Producers Francesca Gardiner and Mark Mylod will act as writer and director for the new HBO Harry Potter show.

If those names sound familiar to you, that’s because both Gardiner and Mylod have impressive credentials.

Speaking of Harry Potter, check out the Harry Potter: Quidditch Champipns trailer below

Gardiner has worked on Killing Eve, His Dark Materials, and The Rook; Mylod is best known for their work on Game of Thrones, but also The Last of Us, and The Menu.

Now that we have our showrunners, the series feels like it’s finally in safe hands. If you recall, it was back in 2021 that the show was announced.

Apparently, the show will be more faithful to the books than previous adaptations, as per HBO’s description of what’s to come.

Furthermore, the network said, “The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of [the] fandom, full of the fantastic detail and much-loved characters Harry Potter fans have loved for over 25 years.”

Out with the old, in with the new.

Who this new cast will include, though, isn’t known yet – those details will be ironed out and announced later. We assume not much later, as this HBO TV show is meant to air in 2026...

Joining Gardiner and Mylod will be J.K. Rowling as executive producer, though The Hollywood Reporter believes their role will be less hands on.

When asked about Rowling’s involvement, HBO has kept chosen its words carefully.

“We’re comfortable being in the Potter business. J.K. is a very online conversation. … It’s very nuanced and complicated and not something we’re going to get into. Our priority is what’s onscreen,” said Casey Bloys, the content chief for HBO.

Now we wait... and wait... for the next announcements to be made.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros, HBO

Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film, Warner Bros