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The Witcher: Geralt's voice actor is ready to do the remake

The Witcher: Geralt's voice actor is ready to do the remake

"I'd be there in an instant."

Doug Cockle, the actor who voices Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher trilogy, would stop, drop and roll on over to the CD Projekt Red studios to reprise his role in the remake of the 2007 game.

To be rebuilt in Unreal Engine 5, the remake of The Witcher was welcomed warmly when it was announced in October. While they are two very good games, the difference between The Witcher and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is like night and day and those who started with the third game might struggle with the datedness of the first entry in the series.

CD Projekt Red is playing its cards close to its chest for now, but here's what the game might look like, thanks to this fan remake!

Details are appreciably light on the status of The Witcher remake. We know that it is in the hands of Fool's Theory and the team comprises those who did work on the original game. CD Projekt Red is also watching over the development of the project with "full creative supervision." If you were thinking that Cockle would be able to shed a little more light on the game, then adjust your expectations.

"I'd be there in an instant," said the actor in an interview with Eurogamer, where he revealed that he hasn't been asked to return to The Witcher yet. "I know as much as you do about this at the moment. So I don't know if they're going to bring me back in to do re-recording of the dialogue, I don't know if they're going to use dialogue from Witcher 1 as it exists. I don't know."

Eurogamer astutely points out that it is in CD Projekt Red's interest to replace the original performances. Technology has improved since the mid-2000s, for example, and actors that joined the latter two games in the series could be added to their characters for continuity, and Cockle had the chance to develop Geralt in the decade that he had the role. We'll have to wait and see how things shake out.

Featured Image Credit: CD Projekt Red

Topics: CD Projekt Red, The Witcher