Fans are calling for the 2005 Rockstar beat-em-up game The Warriors to be made playable on modern Xbox consoles.
The Warriors, based on the 1979 film of the same name, is a beat-em-up adventure that sees the player take on New York gangs in a series of brutal street fights, with a focus on melee combat. It was released for the original Xbox and the PlayStation 2, and received positive reviews that praised the gameplay and its faithfulness to the film. It received a re-release on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, but not modern Xbox consoles, which is something dedicated fans are campaigning to have changed.
Throwback: Take a look at the game in action below.
A petition has been started to see the game get a re-release on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S consoles, and is slowly on its way to 500 signatures. The description for the petition reads: “The Warriors is one of the most underrated games of all time and Rockstar’s most underrated title of all time and it need to be [preserved] for future generations because it is a masterpiece of a game and it is the best movie base[d] game ever played. Please Microsoft and Rockstar Games, make [this] title backwards compatible."
If I had a quid for every petition I’ve seen calling for The Warrior’s return, I’d have £2, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. Another fan had a similar idea for the Rockstar title, as they recently launched their own petition for Rockstar to bring the game back, but this time through a full-on HD remaster. Unfortunately, the likelihood of that happening is slim at best, as Rockstar is more likely to remake one of its bigger name titles, like Grand Theft Auto IV or Red Dead Redemption.
Truthfully it’d be great to see Rockstar revive The Warriors on another console platform, though it’d be even better if they remade it entirely. Either that or they remake some of their other forgotten series, like Bully or Manhunt.
Topics: Rockstar Games, Xbox, PlayStation, PC