It's time for another remaster conversation. They come around pretty often now and this time fans are demanding that the original Star Wars Battlefront games should get a remaster.
It's an understandable ask. The more recent Battlefront games just didn't hit the highs of the originals and left us all wanting more. Debate began on Reddit after a user posted the statement "It's a crime against humanity that Star Wars Battlefront hasn't been remastered."
We have had a Star Wars Battlefront game recently, but many believe it wasn't up to scratch
"True, this was one of my favourite games growing up" said u/Hitman9329 who is obviously in full agreement with the post, as is u/LSesay who said "Battlefront 2 remaster would be an instant buy for me."
One user points out that "Both games are at least backwards compatible on Xbox Series, and are still on Steam." Many players are debating the more recent releases which were reboots of the series though many agree they never reached the heady heights of those OG titles. The most recent iteration, Battlefront II put off a lot of fans who saw the game as a cash grab due to features being locked behind microtransactions.
So, of course, plenty are also complaining that EA ruined the franchise with comments like "Battlefront needs a remake by a studio that is not EA." It's hard to know where great games end and rose-tinted glasses begin - of course, in hind sight we often love games a lot more, particularly when they're tied to pop culture franchises like Star Wars.
However, there's a lot to be said for this argument because back then we didn't have battle passes, microtransations or overly fluffed content to fill out a package. A sentiment echoed by one user with "They don't want you to know that games COULD be that good still."
Topics: Star Wars