Unreal Engine 5 has been showing off its abilities recently. There's been a plethora of fan made trailers both showing off its power, and its potential to bring wild ideas to the world of video games. Breaking Bad, for example, is a video game we didn't think we needed. But a fan made trailer, using the Unreal Engine 5, makes us crave it.
Yesterday (August 4th) YouTube channel Enfant Terrible posted a trailer showing off Tolkien's Middle-earth in the engine, and it looks just amazing.
Check out the trailer for a Middle-earth game that certainly will exist in the near future - The Lord of the Rings: Gollum.
In this concept trailer, Enfant Terrible shows plenty of locations and landmarks around Middle-earth, along with models of statues, elves, and a couple of familiar characters. It's worth reiterating that this is only a concept trailer, much like all the others we've seen recently. Take a look at the video below.
The trailer opens with Galadriel's iconic words: "The world has changed.. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth.. I smell it in the air." This alone is enough to get fans of Peter Jackson's epic trilogy excited. And Cate Blanchett's monologue isn't the only part of the trailer that's influenced by the films.
The Mines of Moria, The Shire, Helm's Deep, the elven armour, and even Gollum's face - they will all be familiar to those of us who know the films. Scenes, too, have been recreated - such as Saruman dramatically uncovering the palantír to reveal the eye of Sauron.
The whole trailer is very well made and directed. We've had plenty of games from Tolkien's lore of late, but what's the harm in another? None, especially if it's paying homage to both the writer and the films (and using Unreal Engine 5, of course).
Topics: The Lord Of The Rings, Unreal Engine