When it first released, The Last of Us Part II was flamed by many for its story and narrative direction.
For, ahem, certain reasons, many quickly decided that Abby was the root of all evil, and therefore despised having to play as her for so much of the game. However, one gamer on Reddit has now returned to the sequel after all this time, and has had a huge change of heart. Be warned that there are spoilers ahead for Part II.
The Last of Us’ TV adaptation is streaming now - watch the trailer below.
“I finally came back to the series after starting the show. I played the first game more times than I can count. So when they switched you to Abby I absolutely hated it,” SnP_JB wrote. “I spent my time watching her die and eventually uninstalled the game before finishing the first day with Abby."
“Man[,] all I can say is that I’m glad I went back and finished her story. By the end I just felt horrible for both of them. I was angry at Ellie for leaving the farm and chasing Abby down. To see her face at the end when she went to play the guitar was absolutely heartbreaking and one of the best endings I’ve ever seen to a story,” they continued. “I don’t even really know what else to say[,] I just needed to say something because damn that was a hard ending.”
Others have been sharing their love for the game, too: “TLOU2 is definitely a masterpiece that hit me really hard when I first beat it. I couldn't really play through the story again right away and I needed like a week to process my emotions. I knew Druckmann's magic worked on me because I was rooting for Abby to live by the end and didn't want Ellie to kill her,” replied one. “Absolute masterpiece. But yeah it's a rough story to experience lol,” added another.
It’s been confirmed that Part II is going to be adapted to TV too, so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes. Maybe then, even more people will end up warming to its story.
Topics: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog, PlayStation