It may seem like The Elder Scrolls VI is nothing but a fever dream but a recent discovery by one fan could be the light at the end of the tunnel.
It has been six years since The Elder Scrolls VI was first announced and other than an accompanying teaser trailer, we have received a grand total of nothing ever since.
Check out the short teaser trailer for The Elder Scrolls VI below!
With no news from Bethesda, fans are hoping that no news is good news and that the developers are hard at work on the highly-anticipated sequel to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
However, the years are ticking by and even a trailer would go a long way to satiate eager fans.
Luckily, it seems as though a trailer is actually on the cards according to a recent discovery by Eastern-Apricot over on r/TESVI.
“On the ZeniMax job postings, there are a few jobs posted for marketing directors and cinematic animators for the Rockville Studio,” they shared.
“It could be nothing, could be for a different game, or could be for a trailer announcement/reveal at the June 2025 Xbox showcase.”
ZeniMax Media is a video game holding company based in Rockville and it just so happens to be the owner of multiple development studios such as Bethesda.
As such, searching for cinematic animators could mean that a TES VI trailer is on the way.
As mentioned, we have only received one short trailer for the RPG so far in which we saw a bit of landscape before the title of the game flashes on the screen.
Since then, we have seen nothing from the project and know next to nothing about what the story could entail.
Although we don’t expect The Elder Scrolls VI to be released any time soon, its first official trailer would prove to us that the project is still in the works.
Only time will tell.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls 6, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda