It's no secret that when it comes to free games PC gamers are eating the best.
Sure, Xbox and PlayStation tend to get a pretty decent selection of monthly freebies, but the vast majority of these are reliant on subscriptions and fees (and therefore not really as free as we'd like them to be). Meanwhile, PC gamers can't move for new free games every damn day.
In the last week alone there have been over a dozen free games available via Steam. And while none of them are exactly AAA juggernauts, they're all unique, stylish, and something a little different to offer. And while this latest freebie isn't available on Steam, you do now have to chance to grab two of Steam's best-rated games from another digital platform for the low price of nothing.
PC gamers with an Epic Games Store account can now pick get their hands on Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition and its sequel, Guacamelee! 2 for free until June 22. And to make it very clear for those that don't know, it's completely free to set up an account on the Epic Games Store. That's literally all you need to do to claim those games - have an account. You don't need to have used Epic before, or pledge any future allegiance to it. I know how weird some of you can get about that.
And trust me when I say both games are so worth checking out. They're side-scrolling Metroidvanias with an added emphasis on brawling through massive open-world environments. There are bosses to beat, upgrades to hunt down, and plenty of secrets to discover. If you're after a bit of a Metroidvania fix, Guacamelee! and its sequel will more than scratch the itch. They really are two of the best examples of the genre, so don't miss out.
Topics: Steam, Free Games, Indie Games