I know what you’re going to say, that a demo isn’t a full game but hear me out. Steam is giving players the chance to download a massive 9/10 RPG for free but with no restrictions on play time which means you can sink a lot of time into not just one, but three unique expansions.
The game in question is Final Fantasy XIV and the Steam deal in question allows players to download the Online Free Trial. This doesn’t just include the base game, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, but you will also have access to the Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward and Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood expansions.
Check out the latest expansion, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker below!
“Join over 27 million adventurers worldwide and take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY,” the steam synopsis reads. “Experience all the hallmarks of the best-selling franchise - an unforgettable story, exhilarating battles, and a myriad of diverse and captivating environments to explore.” Not only can you do all this through the free trial but you will also be able to get your character all the way to level 70. If you wish to keep going, you will have to purchase the full version.
Not only will you have to purchase the full version but the MMORPG is a subscription-based game meaning you will have to pay a monthly cost to access all the features of the title. However, playing with friends who are subscribed will allow you to team up with them to take on Final Fantasy XIV’s epic story.
The free trial will also allow you to access a large handful of jobs including the mystical and healing Astrologian and the rapier-wielding Red Mage. There is a class to fit every style of play as you take on dragons in Heavensward and journey to the East in Stormblood. Most importantly, the Steam Online Free Trial allows you to access all this for free so make sure you don’t miss out on an epic deal.
Topics: Final Fantasy, Square Enix, Steam