We’ve all played Skyrim by now, right? It’s one of the biggest and most popular games of all time. Some might even call it the best RPG ever made.
It’s a large game in terms of scope, too. Your character has hundreds of quests to complete as well as places to explore and enemies to vanquish.
Skyrim is full of quests, but also lots of funny moments
While you’re playing you’ll be slowly going up the levels, using your XP where you see fit, but have you ever wondered how many levels there are? What’s the maximum level you can reach in Skyrim?
Well, it was reported by PCGamer that one player has finally hit that cap. This player has done everything there is to be done in Skyrim, collecting every item and completing every quest.
They hit level 1,337. Of course, that’s the cap number.
The player in question is ‘pawelos4’ and they boast that they’ve sunk over 1,800 hours into the game over two versions, the standard and special editions.
Commenting on the feat they said, “This time I REALLY made sure to get every single legitimately obtainable item in the game… this is EVERYTHING THIS GAME HAS TO OFFER complete save.”
Now, that’s some dedication. Just the thought of putting that much time into Skyrim is boggling, but to think that they did literally everything Bethesda put into the game makes me go cross-eyed.
That’s truly beating a game. Not just beating it, but thoroughly drubbing it when its down and out for the count. I can’t help but applaud that monumental achievement, if only because I don’t have the time for things like this, but I always wonder, “Where does this game really end?”
Bravo pawelos4, you are a hero among gamers and a true Dragonborn. May your name be written in stone. Somewhere.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda