In the 14 years since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim launched, the game has received a lot of love from the fans.
It was an instant hit for Bethesda, and Skyrim became a game that is constantly replayed, and expanded upon by the community.
Skyrim is being kept alive by dedicated modders and community creators
Among the countless mods that bring players new quests, items, NPCs, and even whole regions to explore, dedicated modders also do a great deal to polish the game visually.
Thanks to a new mod, the game will look better than ever, as the Frame Generation mod dropped on Nexus Mods.
The primary function of this mod is to implement AMD FSR 3.1 Frame Generation and NVIDIA DLSS Frame Generation and improve your framerate.
If you’re planning to give this a try, you’ll also need some community shaders installed, otherwise it simply won’t work.
Once installed, fans will be able to enjoy enhanced visuals, pulling over more computation to your GPU - as Skyrim is very CPU heavy.
Essentially, the new mod will improve your framerate, making things a lot smoother.
One user, who has been playing around with the mod, left a comment on the Nexus Mods page, saying, “This is actual magic. Was struggling to maintain 60 at a certain spot in Whiterun, but I can keep an average 120 in that same place with this mod.”
According to others, you shouldn’t install this mod is you aren’t already getting a minimum of 60fps before installation.
This could end up making for a laggy experience, making the game stability worse.
The mod creator has said that this is compatible with many other mods, but you may need to check each one as you install.
It’s always great to see members of the community keeping games alive well after the developers have moved on to other projects.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda, PC, Mods