What’s the best thing you’d done by the time you turned eight? Not that I think anyone’s really keeping track at that age, apart from maybe the very proud grandparents who genuinely believe that the macaroni pieces you keep bringing back from primary school are actual, modern-day masterpieces. Cheers, gran.
Regardless, I’m willing to bet that most of us probably weren’t good enough at video games at that point to literally rival pro-level adult players. Allow me to introduce you to AirNinja, an undeniably talented Rocket League prodigy, and now, the game’s youngest Grand Champion.
While you're here, be sure to check out some of our favourite Rocket League wins and fails below.
“My biggest achievement in Rocket League to date is now complete. I reached Grand Champion in 1's 19 days after my [eighth] Birthday,” tweeted AirNinja. “Definitely the toughest game mode in Rocket League. I wonder how long I will hold the record of being the youngest GC! Road to [Supersonic Legend] begins!!”
For those unfamiliar, in Rocket League’s competitive mode, Grand Champion is the second highest rank, second only to Supersonic Legend. Needless to say, it’s a pretty big deal for anyone to achieve it, never mind at such a young age.
Others on Twitter are understandably impressed, if not slightly jealous: “My biggest achievement as an eight year old was picking out my clothes all by myself”, tweeted @SunlessKhan. “I was still sh***ing myself at eight[,] you guys are light years ahead of me,” replied @B00ted13.
Even the official Rocket League account has noticed the youngster’s achievements, and has given their congratulations: “W! Amazing achievement, keep it up AirNinja,” they tweeted. “Thanks, will keep it up! RL is the best game! I dream to have a special title one day,” replied AirNinja.
According to AirNinja’s Twitter account, which is managed by his dad, he wants to be a Rocket League pro eventually, and based on how good he is already, that seems more like an inevitability than anything else. Good luck little buddy, you've got this.
Topics: PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch