Rick And Morty is a hugely popular show. Currently in its sixth season, the series has raked in billions of dollars and regularly charts as the most-popular adult animated show. That being said, it isn’t afraid to push the boat out, touching on some controversial topics. In fact, the latest season has been criticised by fans for featuring too much incest.
Between this and House of the Dragon, what’s with all the incest this year? In last month’s ‘Final DeSmithation’ episode, Jerry opened a fortune cookie note saying, “You will have sex with your mother.” A few weeks prior, Beth slept with a clone of herself. You get the idea. Rick And Morty is certainly known for its weirdness but don’t expect that to stop anytime soon as the show’s co-creator has revealed that the series could go on forever.
Check out some gameplay from High On Life, the upcoming sci-fi game from the co-creator of Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland.
GamesRadar sat down with co-creator Justin Roiland to discuss the future of the series. It’s hardly surprising news to find out that the show is safe, but it’s certainly reassuring for fans to hear. Roiland said, “There’s obviously some kind of narrative threads that you want to push towards some kind of resolution but I think this show, like a lot of other really awesome animated shows that I love, has the potential to just go and go and go."
He went on to add that the idea of the multiverse could play into this. “There are so many ideas, so many sci-fi stories, and also the multiverse is vast. There are infinite things you could do in it," he explained. "You also have the high school as a location. There’s a lot of stuff you could do with the show. It’s always been something that we’ve really been super excited about – even in the beginning – with all the different areas we could explore for narrative."
“So, I don’t see any sort of big, giant ending. Even if we did, you just have all the other multiverses. You could just pick up with another family with another Rick. It kind of could go on forever, really." Music to every Rick And Morty fan’s ears.
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